The truly committed team is the most productive performance unit management has at its disposal – provided there are specific results for which the team is collectively responsible, and provided the performance ethics of the company demands those results.

Katzenbach & Smith (from "The Wisdom of Teams")

Team Development & Strategy

Our work with teams is results-driven and focused on the specific requirements of each client. Team Development and Strategy engagements begin with a consultation to determine key goals and outcomes and probe beneath the surface for issues and challenges to be addressed. Session design is based upon proven methods tested over decades of success across a wide array of situations and industries. In the course of the facilitation, the team explores relevant aspects of trust, communication, collaboration and strategic intent, using highly refined principles of just-in-time learning. Teams report accomplishing more in these sessions than they had done in weeks or months on their own, thus realizing an immediate return on the time and resource invested.

Additional Results include:

  • Co-creation, leading to increased alignment on vision, goals and strategies;
  • more effective communication and collaboration;
  • new tools for strategic and innovative thinking;
  • empowering resolution of past issues and challenges;
  • effective methods for dealing with unexpected results and staying on track.
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